Our Story

sewing, fabric,

Scarves for Healing is a love project that grew out of my own experience being a twenty-seven year old woman facing breast cancer and losing my hair due to treatment. I still wanted to feel beautiful and that I was worth it. I looked everywhere for a head wrap that did not make me look like I was sick. I was still working during treatment and trying to have a regular life. 

I needed something that made me look chic, modern, and comfortable-- and made me feel like myself. After buying several head wraps and not finding what I needed, I decided to make my own. I went to the fabric store and selected the fabric I actually wanted to wear. 

My mom has been sewing for more than thirty years and used to make me dresses when I was a kid. I designed the scarf and my mother lovingly made the design a reality by creating the perfect head scarf. 

I wore my new head scarf to my chemotherapy treatments and one day a woman facing cancer asked me where she could get a head scarf like mine. I told her mine was handmade by my mother and she said “I will buy this head scarf in a heartbeat.” And that’s when I realized the need for Scarves For Healing. 

I often say, “I did not get cancer for nothing.” Scarves for Healing is one of the most beautiful projects of my life. It is a project of love, hope, and resilience. 

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